10 Facts Every Student Should Know About College Grants and Scholarships

10 Facts Every Student Should Know About College Grants and Scholarships

School is expensive. We’re not going to sugarcoat the cost of an education in America. That’s why applying for scholarships and college grants are so essential. Let’s start by demystifying scholarships a little bit. After all, the more you know about scholarships and grants, the less scary applying for them will be! 1. Free College […]

Section 8 Housing: What is it and How Might it Apply to You?

Section 8 Housing: What is it and How Might it Apply to You?

In this difficult economic time, it can be difficult to find and maintain a job, pay your bills, and keep a roof over your head. Few people know there is a federal government program called Section 8 Housing that allows the government to pay for a portion of rent for low-income people and families. The hardest […]

Federal Grants: How to Make College More Affordable

Federal Grants: How to Make College More Affordable

There are around 40 million students in debt from earning a college education or at least attending college for a semester or longer without earning their bachelor’s degrees. If you are about to graduate high school and are thinking about returning to college later in life, you might be wondering how to make college more […]

10 Social Security Disability Facts

10 Social Security Disability Facts

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is an insurance program from the U.S. Government. About nine million Americans collect SSDI. There are lots of myths and misunderstandings surrounding the program. Are you considering applying for SSDI? If so, take a look at these 10 Social Security Disability facts. Social Security Disability Insurance Basics Social Security Disability […]

How to Get Housing Assistance During COVID-19

How to Get Housing Assistance During COVID-19

Have you been negatively impacted by the coronavirus? COVID-19 has upended many people’s lives. Millions of Americans have filed for unemployment, businesses have gone under, and many people have struggled to pay their rent. Some housing complexes have been lenient on responsibilities such as rent payment, but if you find that it still isn’t enough, […]

Low Income Housing: A Complete Guide

Low Income Housing: A Complete Guide

In many parts of the United States, housing is simply unaffordable for people with low income. Rents are sky-high in some areas and continue to increase. For anyone wanting to own a home, down payments are a barrier, and bank underwriting standards are strict. The U.S. sets the affordability threshold for housing at 30% of […]

Do You Qualify for a Low Income Housing Grant?

Do You Qualify for a Low Income Housing Grant?

Each year, rent prices increase across the country, making it harder for some people to afford housing. Luckily, low-income housing programs can help. But you should consider what programs you qualify for. That way, you can get the assistance you need. Keep reading to learn more about how to get low-income housing assistance. Who Is […]

SS Disability Facts: What Qualifies Someone for Social Security Disability Benefits?

SS Disability Facts: What Qualifies Someone for Social Security Disability Benefits?

It can be difficult to locate funding for different things throughout our life. You may be trying to further yourself and seeking federal grants to attend college or trying to locate affordable housing. When you suffer from a disability, finding income is even more difficult. There are 38 million households in the United States that […]

College 101: How to Find Grants to Avoid Student Loans

College 101: How to Find Grants to Avoid Student Loans

If you are thinking of going to college, you need to find a way to pay for college while avoiding student loans. You should refrain from taking out student loans as these types of loans can lead to negative consequences. College tuition is expensive. Factor in other expenses such as room and board, books, lab […]